Slow and Steady

Determined, focused, persistent, persevering and unwavering

Success is steady progress toward one’s personal goals. Jim Rohn

Slow but steady wins the race. The Hare and the Tortoise (Aesop)

Let thy step be slow and steady, that thou stumble not. Ieyasu Tokugawa

   Human beings are endowed with great powers to persist and endure. If we can narrow our focus, concentrate our effort on a singleness of purpose, resist all temptations to be distracted, there is little we cannot do or accomplish. If we want something bad enough, are willing to pay the price, and refuse to quit not matter what gets in the way, more times than not we will persevere and we will succeed in our quest.

     History has many examples of those who paid this price. There have been philosophers, statesmen, military leaders, inventors, entrepreneurs, athletes and others who were able to visualize and see something they wanted so badly that they defied all odds and succeeded in their chosen tasks. A very limited list would include: Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Marin Luther King, Jr., Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Thomas Edison, Andrew Carnegie, George Patton, J.C. Penney, Lance Armstrong and Jackie Robinson. Each of these individuals had their own epic journey. Every culture and every period of history has these individuals who serve as wonderful examples for the rest of us.

     The classic Aesop’s fable of the tortoise and the hare teaches this lesson. Against all odds, the tortoise persevered, paid the price, and won the race. The hare had the greatest potential, but was unable to get its act together and ended up the loser. There are people from all walks of live, every social and economic level, some with great handicaps and overwhelming odds against them that are “slow but steady, winning the race.” Nature has its examples as well: the perseverance and dogged determination of the lowly ant, a wren and her dedication to building a nest, Monarch butterflies and their migrations are but a few. The animal kingdom relies on the power of instinct; humans must muster up the powers of determination and singleness of purpose. 

      A study of human beings, our tremendous creative powers, and what it takes for us to unleash these powers have awed and puzzled scientists and probably always will. Some decide to take advantage of their abilities; most of us never will to any great extent. It seems evident that we do have what it takes to accomplish nearly anything we really want and are dedicated to. Life always has a way of helping us achieve to our expectations, one way or the other, good or bad.

Challenge: You are what you are because of the choices you have made and continue to make. Many of your choices are subconscious and are programmed into you. Whether your choices are subconscious or conscious, you, and only you, are responsible and accountable for where your life is headed and where it ultimately finds itself. If you are satisfied that is one thing; if you are not, then it is up to you to seize the day.  

Wisdom: Nothing contributes so much to tranquilizing the mind as a steady purpose – a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye. Mary Wollstonecraft  

Spiritual: (NIV)

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13

..For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he. Proverbs 23:7

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7

Life is a journey, a pilgrimage and a quest. Each of us has a unique life to live. No two of us are alike; no two journeys are the same. We will all be called to give an account of what we do with life. It is a gift from God. We understand very little why we are here, what we are and what we are supposed to do. We know instinctively in our hearts we are supposed to be good stewards. If we will listen, God will answer our questions and guide us.

Prayer: Help me to let go and let you. Help me to listen and please help me to walk with you through life.                                          


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