Thin Skinned

PCFL607 618Overly sensitive to criticism and reproach; easily offended;

Self-command is the main elegance.  Ralph Waldo Emerson

A thick skin is a gift from God. Conrad Adenauer   

Beauty is only skin deep, and the world is full of thin skinned people. Richard Armour

  We likely know people who are ‘thin-skinned’, too upset or offended. They are often like puppets on a string; too much at the mercies of other’s actions more so than their own. Easily provoked, they often over-react to such a degree, they are all but out of control. Those suffering from “thin-skinned syndrome” hurt themselves and adversely affect their relationships with friends and loved ones. They are often their own worst enemy.  They can be miserable, suffering from resentment and often brood over the things they feel were done to them.

They cannot easily forgive and forget; are often hard to be around and can be hard to live with. They have yet to learn they are not responsible for the actions of others and are only responsible and accountable for their own actions. They have yet to master self-control. They are not free to choose to what and how they respond and react to. They are not in control and are being controlled, like Pavlov’s dogs salivating to the sound of a bell.

When something happens to upset, offend or annoy us, we should thoughtfully choose an appropriate response. When we respond in a thin-skinned manner, we are being weak and self-centered; responding more from our lower, instinctive and programmed nature than from a more disciplined and evolved manner. Higher level responses are a result of rationally and objectively thinking though what has happened to us. Rather than losing our cool, we are able to control our reaction and respond appropriately and maturely. Many of us are all too guilty of thin-skinned reactions. Others push our buttons. We respond and react in various inappropriate ways.

Those who are thin-skinned often have problems with self-esteem and are lacking in self-image. They are unsure of themselves and have self-inadequacies. Being thin-skinned and quick to lose our cool are tied together. Both maladies are rooted in various self-issues, such as, self-love, self-respect and self-control.

We need an inner strength that insulates us from being thin-skinned and allows us to objectively evaluate what has happened, and then to respond in a cool, calm, and collected manner. Learning to feel better about ourselves, will allow us to become much less sensitive to criticism and sarcasm. We will be less offended. We will have better relationships and the world may be a more enjoyable place. We are not puppets on a string.

Challenge:  Does ‘thin skinned’ apply to you? If so, it requires committing to work on self-issues. You have weakness and vulnerabilities that causes and permits thin-skinned reactions. The road to self-improvement requires creating a good self-image. It requires knowing and accepting yourself with all your good and bad.  As you learn to accept yourself as worthy, you start making daily progress. This gives you a foundation to build on.

Wisdom: He that reigns within himself and rules his passions, desires, and fears is more than a king.  John Milton

Spiritual: (NIV)

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. Proverbs 1:7

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. James 1:5

Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way.  2 Thessalonians 3:16

We are so limited without God. He wants to lead and help us become the beautiful creation He designed us to be. Without Him we will be limited, inadequate, fallible, and incomplete. We do not like the person who resides in us and will have multitudes of self-issues. All this comes back to love. God is Love. He is The Perfect Parent and wants us to learn to love ourselves as He loves us. When we do this, we will feel love and our lives will blossom.

Prayer:  Help me to be able to deal with all of the “self-issues” in my life. Help me to learn to love.

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